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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy given below describes how we treat user information that we collect on/via

Contact Information : We might collect your name, email, mobile number, phone number, street, city, state, pin code, country and IP address. We don't share your information to anyone.

Payment & Billing Information : We might collect your name, billing email, mobile number, official phone number. We never collect your debit/credit card number and it's expiry date on our website. Card info will be obtained and processed by payment gateway only.

Third Party Sites : If you click on one of the links to third party websites, you may be taken to websites we do not control. This policy does not apply to the privacy practices of those websites. We are not responsible for these Third party sites.


The Website and native mobile applications may contain links which may lead you to other Websites or other mobile applications. Please note that once you leave our Website or native mobile applications you will be subjected to the Privacy Policy of the other website, mobile applications and this Privacy Policy will no longer apply.


Some of your information may be shared with and Used by third parties who shall need to have access to Information, such as courier companies, credit card processing companies, vendors etc. to enable them and perform their duties and fulfill your order requirements. does not allow any unauthorized persons or organization to use any information that may collect from you through the Website and native mobile applications.


However, and our native mobile applications are not responsible for any information collected or shared or used by any other third party website or mobile applications due to your browser settings.


Cookies are small pieces of information saved by your browser onto your computer. Cookies are used to record various aspects of your visit and assist to provide you with uninterrupted service. does not use cookies to save Personal Information for outside uses., reserves the right to share any of your personal information to comply with the orders of subpoenas, court orders or other legal process. Your Personal Information may be disclosed pursuant to such subpoenas, court order or legal process, which shall be without notice to you.

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